-Let Th3m Do th3 TaLkiNg-
As the saying goes, pictures speak a thousand words. quote-unquote from wei chian, coz he once said it before, *i think.. Not quite sure about that. hahaz. So, clearly there's no much of a point for writing a post on updates coz today's theme is all about:
''L3T th3 piCtuR3s Do th3 taLkiNg''!!
Here are the pictures of the month. Sit back and enjoy =) wink.
12/10/2008 =BuddY Campfire=
UCSI Buddhist Youth first time ever campfire!! Such a big crowd turned out even it's on a sunday evening! Cheers! No doubt we had lots of fun and enjoy the peaceful moment of offering the light. We had been brought together to this wonderful night, and yet we hope, the bond will stay and grow. Since it's the last event of buddy in year 2008, Till we meet again, take care!
p/s: My dad designed the Buddy Birthday cake! =)
30/10/2008 = Dudu, Happie Bday!! =
According to her, It's her BestEST bday ever! haha. 24 hours of surprise. Despite the usual cakes and bday songs, we presented her a big bday card! Then we watched the wonderful Europa Galante performance in KLCC, thx to cheok ee for recommending. And I managed to take a picture with chao yi's handsome guy, hmm. I wonder who is he? hahaha.
1/11/2008 =Seafood outing to Bagan Lalang.=
All credits go to Bro Yikh Hwa who brought us to his hometown! U know wat, I Had the Best time ever! And I bet the others who were our gang, dudu, cheok ee, and yun yi enjoyed it very much too!
Quoting some highlights out from ''100 days good heart'', so called my diary:
* Ring, Ring, 毅华师兄 call 来约我们去吃seafood! 晕...结果5个人高高兴兴的出发!很久的一个半小时后,终于到了,肚子都饿扁了。吃完了,就玩海边!好大风啊!其实讲真的,我好享受那一刻!美好夜景配上佳友知己,没有一刻是浪费掉的!拍了照,拾了贝壳,坐在美美的沙发上就走了。下一站,KLIA!首30分钟的路程,Dudu和CE 玩‘大笨象,夹大蟹’游戏(我小时候也玩过),闹得yun yi 只好把自己塞在旁边。后30分钟路程简直是人间地狱,整30分钟被kuci!我都要疯掉了!谢天谢地到了KLIA,趁机kuci driver!哈哈。哈哈。拖着身子走来走去,看了几粒飞机就回家了。回家路程累到睡着,结果被偷排!十分好玩的一个晚上,TQ毅华师兄!*
May our lives get even better, eventful, and fulfiling to all of us.
More updates yet to come. Till then, Cheers!
I lazy post anything le....